Torrie Wilson - Pics and Bio (English text)
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
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Amidst the potatoes, corn and wheat typically grown on the sprawling and spacious farms of Boise, Idaho, one of wrestling's most enticing Divas emerged.
Torrie Wilson, a Boise native, has been one of WWE's hottest Divas ever since debuting in 2001. Torrie got her start in WCW, but when Mr. McMahon purchased WCW, she quickly made the transition to WWE. No matter where Torrie Wilson is, though, she's always turning heads. In fact, her beauty is so great, that it can easily make other WWE Divas jealous. This could be a major reason why Candice and Victoria recently turned on the 1998 Miss Galaxy.
Ever since Torrie Wilson and Candice were traded to RAW in 2005, they had been attached at the hip along with Victoria. The three proved to be a dominant trio in the Women's Division, wreaking havoc on all of the other Divas. But Candice and Victoria viciously turned on Torrie during Candice's Playboy unveiling on RAW. Torrie was slated to get her chance at revenge at Saturday Night's Main Event in a tag team match. She was scheduled to team up with Trish Stratus to take on her former friends, Victoria and Candice.
But after Torrie cost Victoria her match against Trish Stratus, she was found knocked unconscious in the locker room by the Women's Champion. Trish found an autographed copy of Candice's Playboy on her body, but it's unproven whether or not Candice and Victoria were responsible for the attack.
The vicious attack on Torrie appeared to be a culimination of events over a period of a few weeks.
Candice became the latest Diva to don the cover of Playboy magazine, and she was certainly excited. In fact, after a recent Torrie Wilson loss, Candice said that losing didn't matter because she would be on Playboy in a couple of weeks.
The following week Torrie Wilson accompanied Candice to the ring for her Women's Championship opportunity against Trish Stratus. Candice went for a pinning combination close to the ropes, and Torrie reached out to give her extra leverage. The referee caught Torrie and broke up the pin. Within moments, Trish recovered and scored the victory over Candice.
Torrie tried to apologize backstage to Candice, but the Playboy covergirl wasn't hearing it. In fact, she answered Torrie's apology by slapping her across the face. Torrie sucked it up, though, and went to the ring with Victoria for Candice's Playboy unveiling.
Candice began to talk about how she was the hottest Diva to ever appear in Playboy, taking a jab at Torrie, who was also a former Playboy cover girl. Torrie decided to speak her mind and told Candice that she was being selfish. Candice lured Torrie in with an apologetic hug, but then she winked at Victoria and they attacked Wilson. Only time will tell how and when Torrie will get her revenge on her former friends.
Torrie may not be a Women's Champion, but she does hold one major distinction. She participated in the most-purchased match on WWE 24/7 Online - a Bikini Contest vs. Sable at Judgment Day 2002. Not only were Torrie and Sable decked out in two of the hottest bikinis ever seen, but they also sealed the match with a kiss that has to be seen to be believed.
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Amidst the potatoes, corn and wheat typically grown on the sprawling and spacious farms of Boise, Idaho, one of wrestling's most enticing Divas emerged.
Torrie Wilson, a Boise native, has been one of WWE's hottest Divas ever since debuting in 2001. Torrie got her start in WCW, but when Mr. McMahon purchased WCW, she quickly made the transition to WWE. No matter where Torrie Wilson is, though, she's always turning heads. In fact, her beauty is so great, that it can easily make other WWE Divas jealous. This could be a major reason why Candice and Victoria recently turned on the 1998 Miss Galaxy.
Ever since Torrie Wilson and Candice were traded to RAW in 2005, they had been attached at the hip along with Victoria. The three proved to be a dominant trio in the Women's Division, wreaking havoc on all of the other Divas. But Candice and Victoria viciously turned on Torrie during Candice's Playboy unveiling on RAW. Torrie was slated to get her chance at revenge at Saturday Night's Main Event in a tag team match. She was scheduled to team up with Trish Stratus to take on her former friends, Victoria and Candice.
But after Torrie cost Victoria her match against Trish Stratus, she was found knocked unconscious in the locker room by the Women's Champion. Trish found an autographed copy of Candice's Playboy on her body, but it's unproven whether or not Candice and Victoria were responsible for the attack.
The vicious attack on Torrie appeared to be a culimination of events over a period of a few weeks.
Candice became the latest Diva to don the cover of Playboy magazine, and she was certainly excited. In fact, after a recent Torrie Wilson loss, Candice said that losing didn't matter because she would be on Playboy in a couple of weeks.
The following week Torrie Wilson accompanied Candice to the ring for her Women's Championship opportunity against Trish Stratus. Candice went for a pinning combination close to the ropes, and Torrie reached out to give her extra leverage. The referee caught Torrie and broke up the pin. Within moments, Trish recovered and scored the victory over Candice.
Torrie tried to apologize backstage to Candice, but the Playboy covergirl wasn't hearing it. In fact, she answered Torrie's apology by slapping her across the face. Torrie sucked it up, though, and went to the ring with Victoria for Candice's Playboy unveiling.
Candice began to talk about how she was the hottest Diva to ever appear in Playboy, taking a jab at Torrie, who was also a former Playboy cover girl. Torrie decided to speak her mind and told Candice that she was being selfish. Candice lured Torrie in with an apologetic hug, but then she winked at Victoria and they attacked Wilson. Only time will tell how and when Torrie will get her revenge on her former friends.
Torrie may not be a Women's Champion, but she does hold one major distinction. She participated in the most-purchased match on WWE 24/7 Online - a Bikini Contest vs. Sable at Judgment Day 2002. Not only were Torrie and Sable decked out in two of the hottest bikinis ever seen, but they also sealed the match with a kiss that has to be seen to be believed.
Check this pics: Find your Girlfriend / Bondage / Make Friends

Labels: diva, Torrie Wilson, wcw, wrestler, wrestling
Detalhes sobre jogo da TNA

Tarda, mas a Midway garante que a espera valerá a pena. Nas palavras da própria Dixie Carter, o jogo de vídeo da TNA deixa a concorrência "a milhas". E apesar de só ter data de lançamento programada para 2008, os fans já o poderão conhecer este fim de semana, numa mega-conferência organizada pela Midway.
Estes são os detalhes sobre o jogo que já são conhecidos:
- Vai incluir cerca de 20 estrelas da TNA, todas elas devidamente personalizáveis, incluindo Kurt Angle, Sting, Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, Jeff Jarrett, Rhino, Abyss, e AJ Styles.
- Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Sting e Jeff Jarrett vão aparecer na capa do jogo.
- O ringue de seis lados fará obviamente parte do jogo, e estarão disponíveis modos de combate que a TNA celebrizou, como o Ultimate X, King of The Mountain, combates de equipas e fatal four ways.
- A Midway promete ainda torneios online.
- Vai existir um modo de carreira similar ao dos jogos da WWE. O storymode vai permitir aos jogadores criarem e definirem o percurso de uma carreira, consoante as opções que tomam a cada dado momento de uma storyline. Os jogadores vão poder personalizar o aspecto do seu personagem, assim como dos managers, o que levará também a especializarem-se num estilo de jogo.
- O jogo vai incluir mini-jogos, que servirão para melhorar as capacidades dos personagens e dos jogadores, assim como desbloquear opções e modos de jogo.
- O jogo vai incluir o modo de "Create a Wreslter", CAW para os familiarizados com a série Smackdown VS Raw.
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Notícias Breves
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John Cena de regresso à Raw já esta noite:
Calma. Poupem as energias, guardem os bastões e cancelem as convocatórias para motins públicos: sim, Cena está de volta à Raw desta noite, mas apenas para abordar os acontecimentos da última semana.O anúncio foi feito pelo
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Molly Holly recusa regresso à WWE:
Molly Holly, lutadora com longo currículo ao mais alto nível, esteve recentemente nos bastidores de uma Raw a rever velhos conhecidos, e admitiu no seu site que a WWE lhe endereçou uma proposta para um regresso. Contudo, ela recusou essa proposta, afirmando que a agenda preenchida não lhe agradava - disse, ironicamente, que apenas aceitaria um contrato de um milhão de dólares segundo o qual só fosse obrigada a combater uma vez por semana, e só nas suas cidades favoritas.
Molly Holly estreou-se na WCW em 1999, passando depois para a WWF/E em 2000. Aí teve uma longa carreira onde conquistou por duas vezes o título feminino e até uma vez o título hardcore (a Hurricane). Foi a própria que solicitou a sua dispensa em Abril de 2005, e tem estado afastada dos ringues desde então.
Fonte: Wrestling Observer, Online World of Wrestling
Find your Girlfriend / Bondage / Make Friends
John Cena de regresso à Raw já esta noite:
Calma. Poupem as energias, guardem os bastões e cancelem as convocatórias para motins públicos: sim, Cena está de volta à Raw desta noite, mas apenas para abordar os acontecimentos da última semana.O anúncio foi feito pelo
Find your Girlfriend / Bondage / Make Friends
Molly Holly recusa regresso à WWE:
Molly Holly, lutadora com longo currículo ao mais alto nível, esteve recentemente nos bastidores de uma Raw a rever velhos conhecidos, e admitiu no seu site que a WWE lhe endereçou uma proposta para um regresso. Contudo, ela recusou essa proposta, afirmando que a agenda preenchida não lhe agradava - disse, ironicamente, que apenas aceitaria um contrato de um milhão de dólares segundo o qual só fosse obrigada a combater uma vez por semana, e só nas suas cidades favoritas.
Molly Holly estreou-se na WCW em 1999, passando depois para a WWF/E em 2000. Aí teve uma longa carreira onde conquistou por duas vezes o título feminino e até uma vez o título hardcore (a Hurricane). Foi a própria que solicitou a sua dispensa em Abril de 2005, e tem estado afastada dos ringues desde então.
Fonte: Wrestling Observer, Online World of Wrestling
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